

All chat ordinances are in this section.

1.1 Disrespecting any player maliciously is against the rules. Disrespect is defined as (a) swearing directed at a player (b) rude behavior against another player (c) toxicity towards another player.

1.1.1 Threats or wishing death on any player is against the rules.

1.1.2 Revealing identifiable/personal information of another player without permission is against the rules. EXTRA NOTE: Staff may take action regardless of whether permission was granted.

1.1.3 Behaving in a toxic manner that disrupts the community is against the rules.

1.1.4 Targeting players out in the community with the intent to cause frustration is against the rules.

1.1.5 Racial slurs and expressing hate towards groups of people are against the rules.

1.2 It is a violation to post links that are NSFW or intend to cause harm.

1.3 It is a violation to sell/offer accounts, clients, etc… within the Revene network.

1.4 Advertising other servers or discord servers in Revene EXTRA NOTE: Do not advertise Revene on other Minecraft servers. (we want to grow a community by legitimate and ethical means.)

1.4.1 Advertising ones own/others social media accounts in Revene EXTRA NOTE: Do not advertise Revene on other Minecraft servers. (we want to grow a community by legitimate and ethical means.)

1.5 Using special characters in the chat is a violation of code 3.2.

1.6 It is a violation to intentionally scam players out of their stuff within the Revene network.

1.6.1 It is a violation to impersonate a member of staff or a YouTuber.

1.7 Usage of vulgar language is permitted unless it is (a) to an extreme extent or (b) directed at other players in a disrespectful manner.

1.7.1 Usage of vulgar language is permitted unless it is (a) to an extreme extent or (b) directed at other players in a disrespectful manner.

1.7.2 Usage of vulgar language is permitted unless it is (a) to an extreme extent or (b) directed at other players in a disrespectful manner.

1.8 It is a violation to spam the chat. Spam is defined as (a) repeating the same chat message multiple times or (b) using the same letter more than 4 times in a single chat message.

1.9 It is a violation to use excessive caps in message(s).

All alt account ordinances are in this section.

2.1 Using an alt account to bypass a ban, mute, or warning is a violation.

All ingame ordinances are in this section.

3.1 All forms of cheating are not tolerated. Cheating is defined as the usage of a mod client, console client, advantageous client scripts, or other add-on(s) that may give the user an unfair advantage.

3.2 All forms of exploitation are bannable. Exploiting is defined as abusing glitches or bugs to your advantage. This includes illegal chat characters.

3.2.1 All forms of attempting duplication methods are bannable. Duping is defined as abusing glitches or bugs to duplicate items.

3.2.2 All forms of attempting to lag the server are bannable. Lag Machine is defined as creating or using a method to put strain on the server, in turn ruining the gameplay experience for others.

3.2.3 All forms of attempting to Stat Boost are bannable. Stat Boosting is defined as using methods other than those of legitimate means to rank higher in the leaderboards or for other purposes.

3.3 Using an inappropriate skin/username/cape/other is strictly disallowed. Inappropriate apparel can be defined as any apparel that contains NSFW content or vulgar language.

3.3.1 Inappropriate buildings are strictly disallowed. Inappropriate builds can be defined as any build that contains vulgar language or NSFW content.

3.3.2 Utilizing inappropriate weapon names is strictly disallowed. Inappropriate names can be defined as any vulgar or offensive language.

3.3.3 Using an inappropriate name or abuse of /nick is strictly disallowed. Inappropriate nicknames can be defined as any nickname that contains NSFW content, vulgar language, or impersonation of another user. Abuse of /nick can be defined as changing your nickname on an irregular basis (Ex: 9 times in 1 minute)

3.4 It is a violation to use an alt account to bypass a ban, mute, or warning.

3.5 It is a violation to use an alt account to bypass a ban, mute, or warning.

3.6 Wasting a staff member's time is strictly disallowed. Wasting time can be defined as asking useless questions or unnecessary holdups.

3.6.1 In the event of witnessing a player cheating, you are required to use the /report command to report the aforementioned player. Abuse of the /report command is a violation of code 3.6

3.6.2 Asking for ranks or permissions repeatedly with no justification is a violation of code 3.6.

All penal information in this section.

4.1 Punishments mentioned above are negotiable for reduced bans/mutes. If you believe you were falsely banned, muted, warned, or would like to request a reduced ban/mute, you may appeal it here

All punishment codes are listed below. (a) [SW] - Staff Witnessed. Used if punishment is dealt with in accordance with a staff member's witnessing. (b) [RS] - Report System. Used if punishment is in accordance with a report made by a player using /report, discord support ticket, or private DMs. (c) [EP] - Escalate Punishment. Used if punishment is in accordance with an assistant requesting a Mod+ to bump the punishment to the appropriate duration. Once a Mod+ reviews the punishment they will then decide to pardon the punishment or bump the ban duration accordingly. (d) [SER] - Staff Escalated Request > Used if punishment is in accordance with a Mod+ approving an assistant’s request to bump up a punishment to the appropriate duration. (e) [AIP] - Admin Issued Punishment. Used for punishment in very severe cases, usually a long-term ban/mute.

If a Notice Of Violation is followed up by a message stating "No Appeal", then it is non-negotiable.

All staff ordinances are in this section.

5.1 All staff are to comply with staff guidelines given to them when recruited.

5.2 All staff is to be mature (can be silly). Immaturity is punishable by a demotion.

5.3 Any abuse of any permission granted by a staff role is punishable up to a permanent ban.

5.4 Players are to respect the decisions of staff members at all times. The staff has the final word.

5.5 In the event of coming across a bug or glitch, the staff member is required to report it immediately to higher staff.

5.6 In the event of a demotion, demoted staff are to go with the decision without a hostile fight, although you may debate without starting a flame war.

All Discord ordinances are in this section.

All rules listed in section 1.0 apply to the Discord server.

6.2 Rule 5.4 is in effect on the Discord server.

6.3 Reports are to be submitted via the forums or /report. The public channels/chats are not the proper place for reports.

6.4 Continuous pinging of people, especially those who are staff without proper reason is a violation of rule 1.1.4 which falls under, and will be considered harassment.

All Youtuber ordinances are in this section.

7.1 All rules listed in section(s) 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0 apply to YouTubers.

7.2 YouTubers are to be mature (can be silly).

7.3 YouTubers are not to ask for extra permissions unless approved by Administration

7.4 YouTubers are not to use their rank to place themselves above other players.

All uncategorized ordinances are in this section.

8.1 All players are to obey these ordinances at all times.